Permaculture for the Future

Permaculture for the Future

Hosted by: Josh Robinson

The world is full of negative news and the planet is in crisis. This can be downright disheartening and you may feel that there is nothing that you can do. I am here to provide a different perspective. The...

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Saving Seeds for a Resilient Future

Episode #4

Show Highlights:Importance of saving your own seedsAdvantages of saving your own seeds over buying from a catalogueClimate adaptation (Heat tolerance, cold tolerance, drought tolerance, flood tolerance, seeds adapt to...
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Harvesting Rainwater for a Greener Future

Episode #3

Show HighlightsWhy is the water (hydrological) cycle out of balance and the problems in the world that are linked to lack of water?Getting started with water harvesting using passive water harvesting basinsHarvesting...
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Changing the World with Worm Composting

Episode #2

Show HighlightsHow to get started composting with wormsHow to improve degraded soil with compost and eliminate the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticidesProblems of sending food wastes to the landfillFood...
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Solving the Worlds Problems Through Gardening

Episode #1

The world is full of negative news and the planet is in crisis. This it can be downright disheartening and you feel that there is nothing that you can do. I am here to provide a different perspective. The Permaculture...
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